Pastor Matthew Olson and his wife Ellen traveled to Zambia in February, where they visited churches in Ndola, Kitwe, Lufwanyama, and Solwezi. They participated in an ordination service and the recognition/commissioning of TIME students. They provided leadership training to the pastor’s wives and women in local churches and reviewed sustainable farming and skills projects.
“We were deeply impressed by the great strides the Seventh Day Baptist churches in Zambia have made toward self-sufficiency. They have been working hard to develop various projects which can be used not only to support those who participate in them, but also to generate income which can be used to grow the project or start new ones.” – Pastor Matthew and Ellen Olson – The full report is on the Society’s website.
The Society is grateful to Pastor Matt and Ellen Olson for their service and thanks all who supported, making this trip possible.
“For this is what the LORD has commanded us: ‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’” – Acts 13:47
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~ Garfield Miller, Director of Outreach