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Trip Update - South Asia

From September through November, Danny and Danita Lee were able to visit mutliple partners in South Asia. Unlike most visits to our partners, this trip lasted three months. They began and spent most of their time in the southern part of the country and then were joined by Garfield Miller and traveled to the northern part of the country for about a week and a half.

This trip helped solidify relationships between the Missionary Society and these partners, as well as fostered relationships between the partners in South Asia. The thing that stood out about this visit was the openness in these communities to hear and respond to the Gospel. The Lees were able to raise a large amount of funding for this trip. After their time there, 5 churches and a parsonage had been built, built, scores of baptsims conducted, mutliple deacons ordained, and hundreds of Bibles distributed. 

We are praying for God to continue to work in the lives of His people in this area of the world, and specifically that Seventh Day Baptists will be obedient to the call to reach those who haven't heard the good news. We continue to pray for discernment to know how to best support our partners in South Asia, and for goodwill with local governmental, religious, and cultural leaders.

Questions? Call us at 401-596-4326 or email

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